Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Summer Fun

We had a great summer. We got to have Kristi and her kids for a week, Dayton and Dawson for a month, Ciana for the whole summer, Erik and Lance for a couple of days and Josh and Angela for the Labor Day weekend. We had a great time. Grandma ended up only having 7 days the entire summer where I didn't have grandkids at my house and a kidney stone the size of Mount Rushmore, but I wouldn't have had it any other way! (Well, maybe minus the kidney stone!)

Josh is finally taking the big plunge. This is his cute fiance Angela. They drove up from Tucson to spend Labor Day weekend with us. We had a lot of fun with them. (notice how skinny he's getting?)

Mikey turns Old! Happy birthday Mikey!

Be sure to play this video.
Dayton and Dawson came to spend a month with their mom this summer and Dawson found a piece of wood in my shop which he was sure would make the finest guitar in the land! He made up a song for his mom which I recorded. It is hilarious!

Bob took Kristi and her kids and Holly and her kids to Recapture with the boat to pull the kids on the tubes. Dawson loves Lehi!

This is Kristi and her kids but I forgot to bring my big lens so I couldn't get a close up picture of them. Sarah decided to ride a smaller tube and Bob dumped her on it. She flew about 5 feet in the air and when she surfaced she was not a happy camper. Bob really got an earful!

Dayton and Dawson Loved the tube and so did Grady.

Dawson decided he wanted his toes painted klike his moms. That only lasted until he went out fron to play with the neighbors and they made fun of his pretty pink toes. He was back on the porch immediately with the polish remover and a cotton ball.

Krist and her kids came to stay with us for a week this summer. They were here over the 24th so we did some fireworks. Sarah and David are dancin' in the street.

We took Kristi and the kids to Natural Bridges. It was very hot!

I had to take this picture of sarah. She was asleep upside down in the chair. Comfortable!

Holly and Kristi

Papa took the kids to the Dinosaur museum. We have an awesome museum and the kids really enjoyed it.

Erik came to see Kristi and to pick ciana up after she had spent the summer with Grandma. We only got to see Lance for a couple of days. Erik made over!

Holly and Ciana spent a lot of time together this summer. They were both sad when Ciana had to go home but never fear....she found her way into the back seat of Uncle Josh's truck this weekend so she got to come back for 4 more days. She has it all figured out. Colby comes to Blanding every couple of weeks to see his squeeze so she thinks all she has to do is get to Phoenix and she can come twice a month! Let me know how that works for you cecil!

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

The Manure Boys!!

Danny finally got him a big screen TV and Mikey and him spent the day installing in on the wall. It is fairly fabulous....then off to shovel manure!!!

Iknow that Mikey was thinking this is exactly what he missed about Blanding and why he decided to move back. You can't possibly have more fun than shoveling manure can you?

This was actually pretty hilarious. The wind was blowing pretty hard and each time one would throw a shovel full on the garden, half of it would blow in their face. That's when they decided to take turns. I was LMAO!!!!

Grandma and Grandpa Grape finally found the road to Blanding!

I am so excited! Mikey and Auntie Gail are moving home! I don't feel like an orphan any more. Mikey had to bring the motor home from St. George to Blanding so Mom and dad drove his truck over for him. We had a lot of fun....don't let my fathers face deceive you!
Holly decided to give Grandma a pedicure. She gave her "happy toes" (that's what the fleming's refer to as painted toenials) and even put awesome stickers on them for her.

Grandma didn't want her toes to touch and mess up the polish job so Holly found a remendy for holding her toes apart. Don't you know that felt good sitting there for 30 minutes with those things between your toes!
Is this the "I love to be in Blanding" face or what?

Easter Fun

Every year we all get together and go on an easter picnic. It decided to rain the night before which put a damper on the picnic in the woods. So we went to plan B...party on the deck. (Davy's favorite saying is "always a party at the Flemings.") We had about 2o people with enough food to feed 50. All the children, ranging in age from 21-30, spent most of their time whining and complaining because the Easter Bunny didn't bring them an easter bEasket. We are talking major league complaining for hours! Then Josh called and was having BIG BIG BIG issues about not getting an Easter basket. Get a life!
P.S. Notice the new sliding glass door!

LaDawn and her son Lehi

Aunt Beth is Colleen's mother and she is 96 years old. Still spry as a 20 year old too!

Zac, Shea and Bob's mom, Pat.

Bob, Levi, Alaina and Johnny Shinkle's sister, Elaine

Awesome huh?

Lehi and his little red headed baby, Grady hunting Easter eggs.

Carson with his baby Lockland hunting easter eggs. Don't think Lockland was too into having this much fun!

Spring Break Fun!

We had the little boys for Spring Break so we all got together and decided to go on a picnic out to Cottonwood. The weather was beautiful and we had a lot of fun. Of course the stream was a plus! Whatever was I thinkin? We all know the rest of this story......................

If Dawson makes 10 without every bone in his body having been broken, we will all be happy. This child knows absolutely no fear. Dayton called his mom the other night and told her Dawson is learning to ride his old motorcyle and he said, "Mom, he goes as fast as I do." When Dawson got on the phone and Holly asked him about it he said, "I wide weally, weally fast but I can't jump until I get all growed up!"

I have two forever friends. LaDawn and Colleen. LaDawn is the queen of the marshmellow stick! She has SERIOUS roasting skills. She can roast and skin a marshmellow at least 12 or more times before it is gone. Now that's skill!

Neither Dayton or Dawson like roasted marshmellows. They just like to play in the fire!
Davy is LaDawn's youngest son, but he'll always be my kid too! Davy loves Grandma Grape and Cows! Him and Grandpa ought to get together!

Danny and Bob doing what they do best.....holding down the lawn chairs

Holly and her boys

My other forever friend just moved back home. She left for 2 years. She thought she had to go be a "city" nurse for a while. I am so glad she moved back home. We have a lot of fun together and she's always willing to do anything!

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Celine Dion World Tour Concert

This was the ultimate, coolest concert I have ever been to see. It wasn't just a concert, it was a show! And what a set of pipes she has. She sang all her hit songs and it was absolutely awesome! LaDawn gave me the tickets for my birthday in December 2006. The Concert was scheduled for Nov 21, 2007 and they cancelled it. FINALLY got to see her on Feb 22, 2008 but it was well worth the wait! And the best part of it, my forever friend Dawny was sitting right beside me. We forced Danny and Bob to go with us too, and you know what? After a year of giving us a bunch of crap about having to go to Celine Dion, They actually admitted it was pretty cool! These are some of the costumes she wore and you can see what the stage looked like. Had soooooooooo much fun! She started the night out with "I Drove all Night" and ended with the theme song from the Titanic. Bet all of you are jealous! Especially Josh and Erik!

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Our Missouri Crew

In case you can't tell, Sarah really loves pink! Everything Pink. I was glad to get some new pictures of Kristi and the kids. They grow up so fast if you don't see them every month or so you might not know who they are!! It was great fun to get the pictures.