Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Grandma and Grandpa Grape finally found the road to Blanding!

I am so excited! Mikey and Auntie Gail are moving home! I don't feel like an orphan any more. Mikey had to bring the motor home from St. George to Blanding so Mom and dad drove his truck over for him. We had a lot of fun....don't let my fathers face deceive you!
Holly decided to give Grandma a pedicure. She gave her "happy toes" (that's what the fleming's refer to as painted toenials) and even put awesome stickers on them for her.

Grandma didn't want her toes to touch and mess up the polish job so Holly found a remendy for holding her toes apart. Don't you know that felt good sitting there for 30 minutes with those things between your toes!
Is this the "I love to be in Blanding" face or what?

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