Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Celine Dion World Tour Concert

This was the ultimate, coolest concert I have ever been to see. It wasn't just a concert, it was a show! And what a set of pipes she has. She sang all her hit songs and it was absolutely awesome! LaDawn gave me the tickets for my birthday in December 2006. The Concert was scheduled for Nov 21, 2007 and they cancelled it. FINALLY got to see her on Feb 22, 2008 but it was well worth the wait! And the best part of it, my forever friend Dawny was sitting right beside me. We forced Danny and Bob to go with us too, and you know what? After a year of giving us a bunch of crap about having to go to Celine Dion, They actually admitted it was pretty cool! These are some of the costumes she wore and you can see what the stage looked like. Had soooooooooo much fun! She started the night out with "I Drove all Night" and ended with the theme song from the Titanic. Bet all of you are jealous! Especially Josh and Erik!


Don Northern said...

OK.....I'm jealous! She is aDadbsolutely our favorite Diva.

Cotter said...

my sister went to this and loved it too! I am way jealous!

Autumn said...

I just saw your comment on my blog and hopped over to yours! I can't believe I missed a post! I saw Celine 2x in Vegas! LOVED her!! The best concert I've ever been to for sure! Dawn deserves the best friend of the year award!! Love you!